Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding is of paramount importance to us. George May is the trustee safeguarding lead. To contact him with a concern email: 

The Minster Fellowship is a member organisation of the National Safeguarding Charity 31:8

Please refer to our full Safeguarding Policy Book which you read and download HERE


Our Statement of Faith

Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith


1. The one true God who lives eternally in three persons - the Father, the Son  and the Holy Spirit. 

2. The love, grace and sovereignty of God in creating, sustaining, ruling,  redeeming and judging the world. 

3. The divine inspiration and supreme authority of the Old and New Testament  Scriptures, which are the written Word of God-fully trustworthy for faith and  conduct. 

4. The dignity of all people, made male and female in God's image to love, be  holy and care for creation, yet corrupted by sin, which incurs divine wrath and  judgement. 

5. The incarnation of God's eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ - born of the virgin  Mary; truly divine and truly human, yet without sin. 

6. The atoning sacrifice of Christ on the cross: dying in our place, paying the price  of sin and defeating evil, so reconciling us with God. 

7. The bodily resurrection of Christ, the first fruits of our resurrection; his  ascension to the Father, and his reign and mediation as the only Saviour of the  world. 

8. The justification of sinners solely by the grace of God through faith in Christ. 

9. The ministry of God the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us with  Christ through new birth, empowers our discipleship and enables our witness. 

10. The Church, the body of Christ both local and universal, the priesthood of all  believers - given life by the Spirit and endowed with the Spirit's gifts to worship  God and proclaim the gospel, promoting justice and love. 

11. The personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfil the purposes of God,  who will raise all people to judgement, bring eternal life to the redeemed and  eternal condemnation to the lost, and establish a new heaven and new earth.


Our Complaints policy

If you have a complaint about the Minster Fellowship we wish to hear about it.  We take complaints very seriously and will do our best to address these as soon as reasonably possible.

Our Goals ● We aim to deal with your complaint promptly, fairly and efficiently and to be consistent in dealing with complaints.  Your complaint may result in us improving a particular aspect of the service we provide so it is important that we address complaints effectively .

Our Process ● Whilst most complaints can be resolved informally we accept that this is not always possible. That is why our complaints process is founded on three steps

(i) Informal Complaint – In the first instant you should contact the person with whom you are dealing and discuss the issue with them.  If you feel unable to do this or the matter remains unresolved then you should make a Formal Complaint

(ii) Formal Complaint – You should write to us formally. Please email your complaint to { LM Trustees } or write to us at { }. If we remain unable to resolve your complaint you should refer your complaint to the appropriate regulatory body.

(iii) Regulatory Complaint

(a) If your complaint involves our fund raising activities you should contact the Fundraising Regulator at 2nd Floor, CAN Mezzanine Building, 49-51 East Road, London N1 6AH or telephone 0300 999 3407

(b) If your complaint concerns the use of your personal data and information we hold you should contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at Wycliffe House Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or telephone  0303 123 1113

(c) In the event of any other complaint you should contact the Charity Commission at  PO Box 1227, Liverpool L69 3UG or telephone 0845 3000 218 

Our Timeline ● If you make a Formal Complaint we will acknowledge your complaint within three working days.  You may be contacted to ensure that we have understood your complaint correctly.

We will then investigate your complaint.  We may need to speak to you again.  We aim to respond fully to your complaint within 10 working days but if your complaint is complex and a more in depth investigation is required this may take longer.  We will however, keep you informed and endeavour to provide you with an estimated date for us to formally report to you.